COVID-19 Update

Obviously, we as as a church, a country, and the whole world now find ourselves facing new sets of challenges as we navigate the days ahead and the Covid-19 pandemic.  One thing I would encourage all of us to do is to be reminded of the promises of scripture when we find ourselves anxious and fearful.  As I began typing this email I thought of Jesus words that Jesus spoke in John 16:33 while speaking with the disciples, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”

While Jesus wasn’t speaking about Covid-19 in this passage, he was letting the disciples know that we as people were never guaranteed an easy road in life.  Following Jesus doesn’t cast an immunity spell over our lives that shields us from trials and tribulations.  However, we can pause and remember that Jesus is Lord always- regardless of circumstances.  So, may the peace that Christ offers us be affirmed in you today.

All ‘In-Person’ Church Meetings/Services/Usage canceled until after April 5th.  This is the recommendation of the General Superintendents in the Church of the Nazarene.  This means that, as of right now, our next service in the building would be our Good Friday Service on April 10th.  Please be aware that these plans are tentative & could possibly change.

All Sunday services will be live-streamed on Facebook live.  Even if you don’t have a facebook account, you can still join us for worship from your home by clicking on the following link:  Once you join in, you can click ‘share’ so others can join in as well :-).  

Thankful Thursdays.  Hardship and uncertainty can often function as a powerful reminder for those things that we are especially thankful for in our lives.  Every Thursday I am going to post a short video online at where we will have the opportunity to share those things that we are especially thankful for in our lives.  Please email me at with the subject ‘Thankful Thursday’ and share with me a few things that you are thankful for!  You can also message me on Facebook.

Children’s Message.  On Saturdays I am going to post a brief children’s message, just like what we do on Family Sunday.

Online Small Groups.  We would love to offer a couple online small groups that people can be a part of.  We will keep you updated as these come available and how you can join in.

Journey Church